Monday, May 19, 2014

Tools needed to print with.

To use this printer I found there several tool that are needed. If your considering this printer the printrbot simple, you may want to get some of these tools to better help maintain and use the printer.

1. Blue Painters tape (It does not have to be blue) Painters tape is one of the preferred and simplest printing surfaces to get PLA plastic to stick to. Depending on the brand you get you may also need to sand the surface of the tape with 0.8 grit sand paper. However I discovered a off brand that has awesome sticking with PLA without sanding. Pro Tapes & specialties brand. There tape is often found at hobby shops for use with painting models.

Some people however do not use painters tape they use glass or mirrors with hair spray. What choice you pick is depended on what you prefer. Also your location in the world may also be a factor. I live in north central america where it does not get super hot and is cool to cold most of the year. Your climate may play a factor on what is required to get a print to stick.

2. Wire or micro cutters These are useful for cutting PLA Filament to change colors.

3. Guitar Pick Some of you might be puzzled here by this one, however it is very useful specially on the printrbot simple. This printer extruder motor can overheat which in turn causes the printer to stop feeding filament at a certain point in a print. (usually with bigger prints that takes hours) to adjust for this you need to adjust the POT on the printer-board (a tiny screw) to lower the amount of power to the motor to run it cooler and not fail a print again. Printrbot warns not to use metal screwdriver as this can short-circuit the printrbot and to use plastic like a guitar pick.

Note: You have a 3D printer you can print this out Check out Thingiverse item:

4. 0.3mm or smaller sewing needle or Guitar string - used to clean out a clog in the printer nozzle.

5. Extra Zip/ Cable Ties - With this printer I found myself needed to make adjustment that needed cutting zip ties, having extra around will save a extra trip to the hardware store later on.

5. Extra 200 lb. Test fishing line - This is not required, however I suggest it as a future consideration in keeping the X and Y drives maintain tight over long extended use. (I not had to change mine yet, but I am sure I will sooner or later.) If your considering the GT2 belt mod skip over this one.

6. Thread Locker Blue - If you built the kit you will need this to add to the gear to the extruder motor. Without it the filament drive gear will fall off due to vibration after several seconds.

7. Spool Holder - If you buy one or built one, you need something to hold the PLA spool of filament. Doing so will make the filament feed better into the hot end. I ended up just buying one myself because it cost less than buying PVC and building one.

8. Sharpie - Helpful for Calibrating the extruder filament feed rate.

9. Measurement tools - A ruler that is flat and measures in mm and calipers or micrometer that have mm measurements. Many people seem to use digital ones, however there not very precise as non digital ones are (keep that in mind).

10. 2.5mm & 1.5mm allen / hex wrenches - All the bolts on this printer are either 2.5 or 1.5mm and some of them need adjustment from time to time.

11. #2 Phillips Screwdriver - is used to tighten or loosen the filament feed tension spring.

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